Wednesday, 24 December 2014


Happy Christmas Eve everybody! I hope you're all very excited for the big day tomorrow - I know I certainly am! Now we're merely hours away from the big day I thought it'd be only right to do a Christmas themed post so here I am with the Wonderful Christmas tag. The tag has questions about all things Christmas and I had so much fun answering them! I hope you enjoy getting to know a bit more about me and my Christmas traditions ...

1. On a scale of 1-10 how much are you in the Christmas mood?
I'm not a scrooge but I'm not even THAT excited. It's Christmas Eve so I'd say I'm a 7 but Christmas in my household isn't totally big - it's me, my sister, mum, dad and granddad and is just like a typical day really except with the presents and yummy food!

2. When wrapping presents is it a fail or are you a pro?

I'm pretty crap to be honest! I wrapped some presents this year but it's purely wrapping paper and cellotape and not a lot else! I didn't go fancy this year and the wrapping isn't the neatest. I aim to go all fancy when I have the dollar to do so when I'm all grown up living in my own house!

3. When did you put your Christmas decorations up and do you do anything special while putting them up? 
At the start of December, me and my housemates put the decorations up at uni whilst listening to christmas music and making paper chains! When I came home, the decorations were already up as it was the 20th December!

4. Do you get dressed up or stay in your pjs on Christmas day? 
I don't stay in my PJ's but I usually just wear some jeans and a jumper or some joggers and never really wear much makeup. This year I'll probably stick some red lippy on to feel more festive and it will be easy to touch up if I'm in the house!

5. What would be your dream place to go during the Christmas season? 
Probably somewhere like Dubai or Australia. I'd love to have Christmas on the beach and I know a lot of people will disagree with me on that one! I'd just love to celebrate it in a different setting and don't really like staying in all day!

6. What is your Christmas tree decorated like?
I came home to just a fibre optic tree this year which I wasn't too happy about! It's pretty though and all the other decorations in my house look lovely.

7. Can you name all of Santa's Reindeers? ( without googling ) 
I'll try! Rudolph, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen. That's as far as I can get! Just looked and I should've got Blitzen and Dasher shouldn't I!

8. Are you on the naughty list or the nice list this year? ( be honest ) 
The nice list! I wouldn't like to think I'm a mean person and try my best to do things for people so hopefully I'll never be on the naughty list.

9. Name three things you love to do coming up to Christmas? 
1. Going to christmas markets (the German market in Leeds is fun & I'm going to Winter Wonderland in London this year - yay!)
2. Watch christmas films eg The Holiday! 
3. Buying and wrapping peoples presents :)

10. Any Christmas Wishes?
I just want my family and friends to be happy and healthy and all enjoy their lives. I'd love to be the same too!

11. Name 10 Christmas songs you love? 
Wow, I can't even think of 10 but here's a few faves ...
1. Driving Home For Christmas
2. Fairytale of New York
3. Do they know it's Christmas?
4. I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
5. Last Christmas
6. Merry Christmas Everyone
7. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
8. Santa Claus is coming to town
9. Jingle Bells
10. Silent Night

Is there even many more?

12. Name 3 Christmas movies you love? 
1. The Holiday
2. Love Actually
3. Elf

Also love Home Alone, can I have 4?

13. Do you like white lights or coloured? 
I think white lights look much more classy and magical but I still love the cheesy coloured lights and flamboyant decorations!

14. Which do you like a little better, Christmas day or Christmas eve?
I'd say Christmas day due to the presents and food and just general chilling.

15. What is your favourtie Christmas make-up look to wear? 
If I'm going out on christmas eve or new years eve, I'd probably go for a gold smokey eye but I will be wearing red lips tomorrow!

16. Right now as your answering these questions, how long is it till Christmas? 
I'm writing this on Christmas Eve, so it will be tomorrow!

17. Do you have any presents that you open on Christmas eve? 
No we don't do that but I'm always so tempted!

18. Name three things on your Christmas list?
1. Some good Nike trainers.
2. Himalayan Detox Bath Salts.
3. Any Makeup I don't have basically haha!

19. Your having a down day, Your not in the Christmas mood. What do you do to change your mood and become Christmas happy? 
Listen to some christmas tunes or watch a christmassy movie in my dressing gown!

20. What is the best thing on your plate when you have your Christmas dinner? 
Definitely the pigs in blankets and the bread sauce! They're the two things I don't have on my weekly Sunday dinners at home. YUM!

I hope you enjoyed reading this tag and maybe some of you can do it yourself? I'll be happy to read them as I'm v nosey hehe! And MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!
Lots Of Love,


  1. We have the same fave Christmas films!
    Have a good Christmas Alice x

    Lizzie's Corner Blog

  2. love this tag! i'm actually watching the holiday as i type this, haha. nike trainers are on my list as well! :)

    xx angela | the sunday chapter

  3. the tree is cute! hope you had a nice christmas :)

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

  4. such a great tag! hope you had a lovely xmas

    from helen at

  5. Great tag! I defy agree with Pigs in Blankets, yum!!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr


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