Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Recent Purchases #6

Hi Everyone,
Now I know I haven't done one of these posts in a while. I've bought some clothing items and make-up bits since my last 'recent purchases' post; I just haven't posted about them. However, I went shopping yesterday and visited MAC, Boots and Superdrug. I bought some beauty items so thought it was time to share them in one of these posts. I also have a nice little item from Paperchase that I'll include too. It's a rather small haul because it's just from one trip but enjoy nonetheless!

No7 Beautifully Matte Foundation in 'Warm Ivory':
I heard lots of good things about this foundation in Lisa Eldridge's post about foundations for oily and acne prone skin. This is brilliant because it absorbs oils in the skin, is obviously oil free, is hypo allergenic and has SPF 15 in it too! At No7 counters, they match your skin tone by that cool machine and it really does match your skin well. Warm ivory is the perfect shade for my skin!

Garnier Fructis Extreme Hold Hairspray:
I never wear hairspray as I can never be bothered doing my hair as it's naturally straight. However, recently I have being putting rollers in my hair to give bounce and volume and a slight curl and I freakin love it! The only problem is how my hair drops out at the drop of a hat, so I'm hoping this hairspray is some good stuff.

MAC's 'Rebel' Lipstick:
I had 6 things to Back To Mac so that means one thing.. A FREE LIPSTICK. I was so excited about it, especially as MAC lipsticks have gone up to £15 now... ridiculous! It was between Ruby Woo, Lady Danger and Rebel. As Autumn is coming around, I thought Rebel was the most appropriate and looks so nice on the lips. It's a plum colour that has a hint of raspberry red when on the lips. I was scared it would be too similar to my Revlon Black Cherry lipstick but it's a lot more wearable and pink toned and less vampy than that one.

Sleek's Matte Me in 'Rioja Red':
I love a good matte lip and having heard about these giving long lasting wearability, I thought I'd go all out and get the dark red colour. It's easier than applying a red lipstick so I can imagine this will accompany me for many nights out to come.

2013/2014 Diary From Paperchase:
I've never really owned a diary but as I'm moving out to university in less than two weeks (eek!) I figured I'd need one to keep organised. This one starts from July and ends in July so is perfect for a school/university year kind of thing. It's laminated so will be waterproof and can bend without creasing so will be easy to shove in my bag without getting destroyed. The pattern is quite cute as well and it was really well priced for paperchase, in my opinion. It was £7 but then there was 20% off so I got it for £5.60. There's some nice diaries in there at the moment and some are just 2014 if that's what you are looking for. You get 10% student discount in there on items that are not already discounted, so great for any of you students needing to get organised!

Hope you all enjoyed this little recent purchases post. I've bought some new clothes recently but I just find them really hard to capture decent pictures of them, but let me know if you'd like a post regardless. Hope you all have a good day!



  1. Love the MAC lipstick colour, perfect for this time of year!

    Belle x
    Mascara & Maltesers

  2. MAC lipsticks are my favourite. You won't regret that purchase! :)

    Followed :)

    Xo, Michelle

  3. MAC Rebel is my all time favourite lipstick! Love your blog, new follower xox


    1. I think it's mine already and I've only had it a few days! Love your blog too :) x

  4. Aah rebel is so amazing, I need it in my life. I love the diary too, super cute. xxx

  5. I also have this planner for university, I learnt in first year there is no one to remind you of deadlines so it comes in so handy!

    I love your blog! If you have a chance, have a look at mine xo

    1. Yeah I'm kind of dreading having to remember everything myself!
      Aww thankyou, I shall :) x

  6. I love the MAC lipstick! I am thinking about trying darker colors like that for the fall.
    Mia ♡ Une Jolie Vie

  7. Oooh i really want to try that No7 Foundation. I've tried their BB Creams and they are pretty good. Cute diary.. Literally can't live without mine! xo

    1. Ooh might try one of their BB creams next summer or something :)
      I'd definitely recommend this foundation if you have oily skin! x

  8. I've heard such good things about that foundation, I really want to give it a go! :)
    Carrie:Brighton xx

  9. Good to hear the Sleek Matte Me is easy to apply. I really wanted to try them but didn't know how much of a faff they would be! xx

    1. I don't find it too much of a faff as the brush is quite small so it's easy to get into the corners and things :) x

  10. That red mac lipstick looks amazing! I love wearing red on my lips it is always such a bold statement!

  11. I've been dying to try MAC Rebel! Such a pretty shade.
    Looks like you bought quite a few great things.
    Just found your blog and I love it :) Now following.

  12. Ahh I really want rebel lipstick, it's the most perfect autumnal shade!

    Jennie xo |

  13. Really liking the look of MAC rebel! that'll be going onto my wish list!

    thank you for your comment over on my blog :)

    Gemma Talks Beauty

    you have a new follower x

  14. I really want to try out Sleek's Matte Me and that diary has such a cute design on it! :) xx

    1. Yes it's a lovely texture! I want to try more colours :)

  15. I love your diary! I have the matching pencil case love it!

    Lovely blog (new follower)

    Lucy xo

  16. Lucky you. I also need to make some purchase this month. And awww...That diary is so cute. Thanks for sharing :)
    Followed you via GFC and Bloglovin, hope you will follow back.

  17. Hey there, loved your blog, just followed you on GFC, (68) would you mind to follow back?

    Come visit me <3

  18. Oooh I have heard good things about that No7 foundation and have been wanting to try it! Looks like you got quite the good haul here :) Hope you're having a wonderful day!
    xx Hannah


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